Loran Equipment Banner


Station Information

Site Survey: 03 OCT 1948 – USCGC KUKUI during a trip to Wake to off load material for the Army
Construction Date: JUN 1950 Construction commenced
06 - 12 MAR 1958: CGC KUKUI delivered construction materials a new station

Constructed by: 12 MAR 1958 CGC KUKUI departed leaving a M&R detachment of one officer, two Chief Petty Officers and 35 enlisted. Construction was completed on 11 August 1958. the story
16 OCT 1950 - Pre-commission status


JAN 1978
Operated by:

Station Unit Identifier: 1950: 14-350580

Mail address: 1950: CO, LTS WAKE ISLAND, c/o Postmaster Honolulu, T.H.
APO SF 96501

Station Project code name:

Personnel Allowance: JAN 1953 | 1 Officer, 9 Enlisted

Station Mascot: 1960s - Hooligan
1975 - Felix (cat)

Station events: 03 OCT 1948: CGC KUKUI CO made primary site survey for new LTS site during loading of Army equipment and personnel

15 OCT 1950: Three Coast Guard men, all from California, reportedly formed the guard of honor when President Truman and General MacArthur held a memorable conference on Wake Island. ET3 Arthur Schwartz was the only enlisted man present who was given the opportunity to shake hands of both major participants, as well as the Army chief of staff, General Bradley. {Coast Guard Bulletin December 1950}

16 SEP 1952: Typhoon OLIVE destroyed the station Sta Off Air
Off-air for 15 days, A Mobile Loran Unit was shipped from CG Yard. 26 SEP 1952: Station back on air.

The Commander of the 14 CG District received a Letter of Appreciation from the Commandant for the outstanding performance of duty of the personnel under his command for the prompt and efficient restoration of service of the Loran Transmitting Station on Wake Island following Typhoon OLIVE on 16 September 1952. {Coast Guard Bulletin January 1953}

01 OCT 1952: A Search and Rescue Group consisting of RCC, Air Detachment and Loran station established.

1957: CO married the only single woman on the island aboard a Standard Oil Tanker

AUG 1958: Peale Island operation commenced

SEP 1962: Marriage is permitted on the island by US Code.

16 SEP 1967: Typhoon SARAH struck the island with 138 mph winds. Island was completely devastated.

4 APR 1975 - 3 SEP 1975 Station Awarded:
USAF Outstanding Unit Award for Operation New Life/New Arrival
USCG Humanitarian Service Award

Commanding Officers: 1951 - 1952
1952 - 1953 LTJG Thomas J. Collins (SEP - SEP)
1953 - 1954
1954 - 1955 LTJG Horace G. Holmgren
1955 - 1956 LTJG Marshall K. Phillips
1956 - 1957 LTJG Charles E. Mathieu (MAR - APR)
1957 - 1958 LTJG James M. Fournier (APR - APR)
1958 - 1959 LTJG Verne E. Cox (APR - APR)
1959 - 1960 LTJG James J. Rooney (APR - ?)
1960 - 1961 LTJG John W. Kime
1961 - 1962 LTJG Carl P. Denny (? - MAR)
1962 - 1963 LTJG Edmond G. Case (MAR - ?)
1963 - 1964 LTJG Eugene J. Hickey
1964 - 1965 LTJG Brian P. Richards
1965 - 1967 LTJG John A. Waustnek (? - APR)*
1967 - 1969 LTJG James V. O'Neill (APR - ?)
1969 - 1970 LTJG Raymond J. Pratte
1970 - 1972 LTJG Theodore T. Musselman
1972 - 1973 LTJG Michael T. Eberhardt
1973 - 1974 LTJG Robert M. Grisswold
1974 - 1975 LTJG Robert D. Innes
1975 - 1976 LTJG Bruce Austin
1976 - 1977 LTJG Michael M. Blume
1977 - 1977 LTJG Fred M. Rosa (? - DEC) Decomm

* Promoted to the next higher rank during tour

Change of Command:


Station Operations


19 18 48.70 N 166 37 17.16 E (1960 Mercury Datum)

Station pair:
Loran rate:
Coding delay:

1L0, 1H1 
1000 us
Approx. 535 Nautical miles 

Declared Operational date: 011300Z MAR 1951
Operations terminated: 312400Z DEC 1977
Station Letter designation: “W”
Radio Call Sign: NMJ-
Station Operation: Single SLAVE/SECONDARY (SS)
On-air testing date: 1L0 | 24 JAN 1951
On-Air: 1L0 | 011300Z MAR 1951
1H1| 1970
Off-Air: 1L0 |1970 Rate changed
1H1| 312400Z DEC 1977
Service terminated
Monitor Rate:
Equipment: OCT 1950: UE-1b Timers, T-137A Transmitters
Radiator: 1951 | "T"
1964 | 129ft tower

Fred's Place Reunion Hall:



U.S. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award


04 APR 1975 - 03 SEP 1975

USCG Humanitarian Service Medal


04 APR 1975 - 03 SEP 1975
CWO2 Findley Citation

Coast Guard Restricted Duty Ribbon


(except CO between May 1967 and May 1973)

Coast Guard Overseas Service Ribbon


(for CO between May 1967 and May 1973)


1955 Memorial - constructed by LTJG Marshall K. Phillips during his tour - pdf

22 JUN 1956 LORAN Overseas Survey - pdf


Wake Island pictures




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