U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2020 Site Photos
courtesy of Ms. Lisa Spitler and U.S. FWS

Looking across the site towards Shagak Bay and Kanaga volcano with the benchmark hill
on the right and a person below it for scale

Looking across the site towards Adak town, Zeto Point, Great Sitkin in the distance

Believe to be an old compressor

remains of a Quonset hut, looking towards Shagak Bay

View looking north from the top of the benchmark hill

The Loran Monitor site
looking south from the benchmark hill

Concrete rubble near where the beachmark's concrete post should have been

View up the slope of the beachmark hill, from the LMS area, showing multiple piles of old
concrete rubble, maybe anchors for antennas?
Thank you Lisa!
The Loran community appreciates your efforts
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