Loran Equipment Banner


Station Information

Site Survey: JAN 1966
Construction Date: 16 JUN - SEP 1966

Constructed by: Overall Construction: United Contruction Company Director: Mr. Joe S.H. Ng
Tower: Chicago Bridge and Iron
S/P and Subsistence buildings: H. H. Robinson Co.
JUN 1966
181100G AUG 1966

17 SEP 1975
Operated by:

Station Project code name: OPERATION TIGHT REIGN

Station Unit Identifier:

Mail address: APO, San Francisco 96245
Personnel Allowance: 1966 | 2 Officers, 23 Enlisted

1974 | 2 Officers, 25 Enlisted, 10 Thai civilians (5 paid by U.S. Gov't, 5 maids by crew)

Station Mascot: KONG (Monkey)

Station events: <1967: First Loran-C chain with operational Loran-C Teletype communications

JUL 1966: TT1 injured during a vehicle accident on the way back to station from Lampang.

28 AUG 1966: Eight Thai Security guards reported aboard for duty.

22 SEP 1966: Commenced replacement of ground system. Over the course of 10 years approximately 31 miles of copper wire was replaced because of thievery.

11 OCT 1966: Thai guard surprised bandits in the antenna field stealing ground wire. One of the bandits fired at the guard who returned fire killing one bandit.

07 DEC 1968: ET3 Stanley J. Wills in a motorcycle accident.

29 JUL 1969: Thai security guard accidently discharged a round from his weapon in the Comms room. A SA sustained minor cuts.

04 DEC 1972: ET3 Jerry W. Mayberry suddenly died at the Lampang Base Hospital. His remains were shipped back to the U.S. on December 13th.

Commanding Officer:
1966 - 1967 LT Angus McKinnon (18 AUG - JUN)
1967 - 1968 LTJG David W. Proudfoot (JUN - JUL)
1968 - 1969 LTJG James F. Brodie (JUL - 18 JUN)
1969 - 1970 LTJG Alton E. Turner (18 JUN - ?)
1970 - 1971 LTJG Larry G. Bickmoore
1971 - 1972
1972 - 1973 LTJG Mark J. Costello
1973 - 1974 LTJG James R. Hartney
1974 - 1975 LTJG Paul T. Pelzer
1975 - 1975 LTJG Thad W. Allen (? - 17 SEP)

Station Operations


18 19 34.19 N - 99 22 44.31 E

Loran Rate:
S-3 | SH-3
M-X: Approx. 353 Nautical miles
Operational date:
Declared Operation:

15 OCT 1966
280400Z OCT 1966
Operations terminated:

02 MAY 1975*

* station on air in support of the MAYAGUEZ incident
Station Operation:

Single SLAVE/SECONDARY station (SS)
Radio Call Sign:
On-air testing date: 08 SEP 1966 | Chain adjustments
On-Air: S-3 | 15 OCT 1966 COMSEASIA declared chain operational
S-3 | 28 OCT 1966 D14 declared chain operational
SH-3 | 110500Z APR 1969

S-3 | 110500Z APR 1969
SH-3 | 02 MAY 1975

Equipment: 1966 | AN/FPN-44/46 equipment suite

Tech Manuals:
AN/FPN-46 | AN/FPN-44A Vol I - IV | AN/FPN-44A Vol V-VI
Radiator: 625 ft TLM Trylon, Model 6000s, 1966 - ?


Fred's Place Reunion Hall:


HEALTH: Agent Orange Presumptive - pdf


Coast Guard Unit Commendation


17 JAN 1966 - 08 SEP 1966
Construction Detachment Operation Tight Reign

01 SEP 1969 - 28 FEB 1971 (Chain)

01 JAN 1972 - 27 MAR 1972 (Chain)

28 MAR 1972 - 13 DEC 1972 (Station)

Coast Guard Meritorious Unit Commendation


19 MAR 1975 - 03 OCT 1975 (Chain)

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29 MAR 1973 - 15 APR 1973

9 APR 1975 - 30 APR 1975

Vietnam Service Medal

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18 AUG 1966 - 28 MAR 1973

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12 APR 1975

29 APR 1975 - 30 APR 1975

Coast Guard Restricted Duty Ribbon


General Information Book:

1974 || 1975


18 AUG 1966 - Commissioning Pamphet - pdf courtesy of Rod Christian/Chris Dailey

17 SEP 1975 - Letter of Appreciation - pdf courtesy of David MacDermott


U.S. Coast Guard Official photos

Tom Kratville 1967 photo collection

Roger Gist 1973 photo collection

Phil Dolin 1974 - 1975 photo collection


courtesy of Fred's Place c./1967


Courtesy of Ivan Body c./1973/74

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