Phil Dolin 1974-75 photo collection

Last crew
LT Allen kneeing second from right

Field strength reading 1
(L-R MKC Fortner, ET3 Dolin, ET3 Adams, Back of ETC forgot name, and CWO Percival reading scope)

Field strength reading 2
(L-R ETC,me, MKC, Adams, Percival)

Me going home on emergency leave – father dying, ET3 Adama, ET3 Rory forgot last name

Thai guard at station front gate Thai barracks on right

Thai guard Woot and his two kids warming up early one morning

Left SN Stone Right FN Jay ?? (first name) for the life of me I can't remember the guy in the middle
(Getting old is tough - Bill)

Transmitter room

ET2 Urban and DC1 Parker in the rec room with a couple of locals
Firing off some rounds to exhaust expired ammo

CWO Gural

ET3 Adams

L to R: UNK ET3 Gibson and EM1 MacDermott with camera

CWO Percival shutting off the transmitters

ETC Tausher and LT Allen

New MKC and CWO Percival
Thanks Phil!
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